Nike - Social Media Ad
As a fun spec social media project, I aimed at completing a 15 second ad that was effective at communicating a brands slogan in 3D. I chose Nike and “Just do it.”
Role(s): Designer, Animator
Programs: Cinema4D, After Effects

Low poly-art is simple geometric shapes placed side-by-side to create angular, often minimalist, compositions. The “poly” from low poly comes from the word “polygon,” which is merely a 2-dimensional shape made of straight lines and angles. It was first used in early 3D animation but has now become a style in itself.
My mood board on the right was largely pulled from Instagram and Dribbble. The contrasting saturated colors, simple geometric shapes and fairly unreflective surfaces create a dynamic composition. My design largely became similar.
By introducing a couple motion elements (rain, snow), it provided the contrast and movement I was going for to create a fun and playful ad.